Die Welt ist schlecht!

der Autor bei seiner Lieblingsbeschäftigung

dumme Bilder von mir gibts hier

don’t born in the USA – in fact I don’t believe in any patriotism at all.

draft resister – don’t worry about that.

driver get your own cabby whenever you’re in Lower Saxony.

dj those were the days.


Oh what a drag, but I’ll better shut up and keep on doin’ it anyway…

© Klaus M. Tamm & Otto Sell

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Stand Rauhehorst Pommes Rot-Weiss

the discordian manifesto #7
Author: blacktooth, 02-13-02.
the discordian manifesto #7 in a series of 8 as revealed to horab fibslager, tfw, by the voice in his head
z. in the beginning there was naught but the two condiments; ketchup and mayo.
y. and someone did take the ketchup and the mayo.and put them together in a 4oz. cup.
x. and as such, there was a struggle. the mayo fighting aginst the ketchup. and the ketchup to overcome the mayo.
w. but in the end both submitted to the endless and subtle forces of chaos. to homogeny and uniformity. to balance and formlessness.
v. and someone took a frenchfry and dipped it into the sauce. and tasted it. and in tasting it saw that it was good. and give it the sauce a name.
u. and it, the sauce, was named kayo sauce. and the process by which ketchup and mayo could be transmuted into thus was name.
t. and thusly was this process named mayo dynamicity.


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